In this guide we will configure some required changes in the mobile application files to connect it to our wordpress website.
We will also look at how to change app icon, app colors and other application settings to modify the application to our liking.
Required ModificationsThere are some required modifications that you need to make in order to connect the application to your wordpress website. Follow the steps below to make the changes:
WooCommerce SettingsOpen the file wooConfig.dart
in android studio. It is located in woostore_pro / lib / constants / wooConfig.dart
and change the following variables to your specific values.
- This should be the url of your wordpress site, where you installed the wordpress softwareconsumerKey
- Your WooCommerce Consumer Key which you created while setting up WooCommerce. Make sure that is has only READ PERMISSIONconsumerSecret
- Your WooCommerce Secret Key which you created while setting up WooCommerce. Make sure that is has only READ PERMISSION