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Generate Release App Bundle for Android

  1. Please remove unnecessary permissions from android\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml file (e.g remove location permissions if your website don't use location permission)

  2. Go to File option of your android studio. Click on 'Open' option, then locate your flutter project's android module and open it. Now generate release apk from that new module.

Open folder in android studio Select android folder

  1. Wait for build process to finish. If build finish successfully then, in Build menu you will get option generate signed bundle/apk.

Generate App

  1. Choose Android App Bundle here

Select app bundle

  1. If you are creating apk for first time then click on Create New for Keystore path (and save this file for future use). for subsequent version updates always choose existing keystore file Fill all required information and click next

Keystore Setting

6.From options, choose release

Release Variant