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Bottom Navigation Bar

Set the following variable to true or false to either show or hide the bottom navigation bar.

const bool showBottomNavigationBar = true;

Modify the Tabs

You can also modify the tabs used in the application by adding or deleting the tab entries as shown below:

For Example
List<Map<String, dynamic>> kTabs = [
'tabName': 'Jio Saavn',
'icon': Icons.circle_outlined,
'url': '',
'tabName': 'Wiki',
'icon': Icons.square_outlined,
'url': '',
'tabName': 'Blogger',
'icon': Icons.group_work_outlined,
'url': '',

You can add another tab entry at as follows:

Add Tab
List<Map<String, dynamic>> kTabs = [
'tabName': 'New Tab name',
'icon': Icons.add,
'url': '',